Monday, October 13, 2008

The Time is Here

What an amazing day yesterday was...Left CVG at 8:30, get to Chicago meet some other people on the trip. Board another plane to San Francisco. Get here and have a meeting, change and head to the Counsul General's home for a reception.

Pretty amazing. His home was unbelieveable. The view was breathtaking, It was tucked in the hills of San Fran over looking the bay, The Golden Gate Bridge and Alcartaz. Very cool.

I have met many people and we are awaiting out time to board the bus back to the airprot to go to Toyko.

I will get back with you when we get there.


Rita Cook said...

Hey, this is Mom reporting in. I haven't used a blog before so I hope this works and we can communicate. I'm so excited for you and know you will enjoy this fascinating experience. You should be in Tokyo by now. i'm anxious to hear what you think of the city.
Love you!!!

Traci Volpenhein said...

I can't wait to hear more about your adventure! I will def. be checking on you to see how you are doing. I am so excited for you! Miss ya!

Jenna Turner said...

hi Mrs. Wainscott. We've been missing you at school!!!!!!! Hope your having a good time in japan!!!!!!!