Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yesterday was our free day on this trip. A small group of people I have met went to Kamakura, which is a city about an hour and a half away by train. It was very different than being in Tokyo. The city ws not a busy as Tokyo, it had a much more homy feel.

The shops were very neat. Very small but full of Japanese goods. We even went into a Japanese bakery and had Japanese Pasteries, I had a Custard Bun fresh out of the oven...boy was it good.

As were where shopping and making our way to a shrine (sorry the names has been packed away into a bag I won't get back until we get back to Tokyo.) This shrine was amazing. There was a celebration going on at the shrine. We encountered many children, boys and girls, scooting around in there kimono. They were so cute.

After this shrine we were off again to a Temple. This one again was very beautiful. Here the flowers bloom year round and it was very busy with people. This site had a wonderful view of the Pacific Ocean.

Pressing on it was off to the Great Buddah. I was again very busy and a site to see. We even got to go inside for a small fee of 20 yen (20 cents).

Starving and tired we found a shop with Japanese Dumplings (geosia?) and fried rice. IT WAS BY FAR THE BEST MEAL I HAVE HAD IN JAPAN SO FAR. The fried rice was...i can't even tell you how good it was. The dumplings with the soy sauce and the hot seasme is making my mouth water thinking of it. We also ran into a table of Americans in this restarunt, oddly enough they were inthe U.S. Navy.

Finally it was time to head backto Tokyo. What a fantastic day.

This moring it is off to Hiroshima, by the way of the bullit train.


Trina said...

It looks like your trip out of Tokyo was fascinating! Your blog made me think of two questions for you. You said it cost 20 yen to see the temple, which was 20 cents. Does that mean our dollar is still worth a dollar in Japan? Also, what other religons are practiced besides buddahism?

K.Nixon said...

Hey Leslee,
Please get some recipes of the wonderful food you are eating so you can share them with us when you get back. Miss you! -K. Nixon

kparmele said...

Hi Leslee,
Your trip looks fantastic. So much to see and do. I am taking a copy of your blog to school and sharing with your students. They all say "hello". Everything here is great. You have the BEST students ever. (Even if I do have to dance to wake up 1st period.) We look forward to the next post to your blog. Have fun.
We miss you.--K.Parmele

b.shafer said...

I am excited each day I read what is happening over there. It will be fun to see your photos and hear about the trip.


konpeitou said...

Did you walk in Kamakura Daibutu?
I'm looking forward to hearing your experience on your trip.I wish you enjoy your trip. Y.Nishizawa

lkwainscott said...

Trina -
The current exchange rate is about 95 to 1.

the other religion is shinto

lkwainscott said...


It is great tohear from you. I am having a wonderful time here in Japan.

I am not sure if we went to Kamakura Diabutu. There is a good possibility and I don'tremember the name, we were all over the city that day.

Please tell your family hello.