Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here at last!!!

I can not keep it straight what day it is there...I am lucky to keep it straight here. Somewhere in the middle of my travels I have lost a day and some much needed sleep.

Well, we are here and it is pretty amazing. After arriving yesterday I think) 10/15 we were assigned a Fulbright alumni to take us out to dinner. I experienced real Japanese cusine...after I was longing for a Big Mac. It was not all bad...I liked the Tanaka rice...sweet and spicy, very good.

Sleep, who needs it. Last night a restful three hours. Up early this morning 5:00 a.m. (or afternoon there) and it was off to the Tsukiji Fish Market. An awesome experience. I have never seen so many fich and sea creatures in my life. The tuna auction and the chopping of of heads of fish fresh out of the tank, a great way to start the day.

After breakfast we went sightseeing the rest of the day. Toyko is a neat city with many beautiful attractions. A tempora luch and to a buddist temple. The Senso-ji Temple and the Asakusa Shrine, built in the late 1600's, were so neat. It was very crowded becuase of the celebration of the restoration and reopening of the site.

By the middle of the afternoon the jet-lag was setting in hard core.

After getting to the hotel, a special kyogen (japanese theather) presentation was preformed for us. Then a welcome reception with many speakers (government officials, U.S. Embassy officials) dinner and now the day is over.

See you tomorrow.


K.Nixon said...

Wow Leslee! It sounds like you are having an interesting time. We miss you here in KY but hope you are having the time of your life!
Love, K. Nixon

Anonymous said...

Great pics Leslee! Hope you like lots of fish in your diet. Miss you at GMS!!
(tell Rob to bring the mine today)
Love, LKErickson

tammy said...

Hope you are having a great time. miss you.


Rita Cook said...

The pictures are great. I hope you are taking lots of them. The kids have been wonderful and very good. Blaine has been taking good care of Rob. He has been a great help. We have some pictures of the kids playing in the leaves. Ava loved it, she was right there rolling around just like the boys. I hope you are adjusting to the time change, about the time it feels right is when it will be time to come home and you will have to do it again.
Love you and miss you a lot!!!