Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Peace Park

As many of you may or may not know 8:15, August 6, 1945 was the day the United States unleashed the Atomic Bomb on Japan. I was very aware of this but I was not prepare for the emotions which this experience would evoke in me.

First we visited the site of the Hypocenter. There was a small memorial showing where the bomb engaged 120 ft. before impact. The original target was missed and it landed about 100 yards from an elementary school.

Next it was the Peace Park and the Peace Bell. We saw ruins which remained after the bomb detinated and the city was literally obliterated. As we are looking at the ruins there is a large bird atop the bilding and it was a crane. It was a very moving moment. The first of many this day. People were burned where they stood. We saw the burn mark of a person who was sitting on the step outside of their house. Approx. 130,000 people died from this action.

The Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall was our next stop. Again the emotion was over-whelming. It was here I started to really feel a deep sense of emotion...I cannot even put it into words.

We saw the Children's Memorial, which is where you present the cranes. We witnessed a group of school children making their offering at the memorial. It was a formal afair with speeches, songs and a moment of silence. Very moving.

Moving to the Peace Memorial Museum, at this point I am so over-whelmed by emotion I am on the verge of tears. To see the devistation cannot be explained in words. I do not know if the pictures will do it justice.

They creamated the dead as per their religions and it took them a month of burning bodies every day to burn them all. The ashes of the people who were not identified are enshirned in a mount in the Peace Park. A mother had to creamate her own baby girl who did not make it through the attack. And the stories of dispare and devistation are so much to wrap your brain around. I do not know how someone could see this area and the pictures of what happened and ever think war is the answer.

This literally brought me to tears.


Unknown said...

Hey it's Harper and Sophia. We hope you are having a great time in Tokyo and we miss you lots. Rachel and I (Harper) have some bad news at school. We are not teacher aids anymore. A teacher had complained that we weren't getting the 7th period curriculum so now we have music appreciation. I (sophia) just wanted to wish you a good luck and have a fun time.


Mason Forbes said...

Hey! Whats up Mrs.Wainscott?!! Its Mason. Sounds like your having a blast in Tokyo!!! We miss ya at school. Mrs.Parmele isnt as "energized" as you where. class is a little boring. feels like all we ever do is read articles and take tests on what we read. But, Yuma,Tetshusi, and takihiro are doind great! they are learing to read along by themselves. The other day they amswered questions on an article. They got them all right!! but once you get back we'll all be happy. well i'll see ya later!