Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The count down is on!

Hi all the time for me to leave is getting very close and I think I am ready.
Digital Picture Key Chain given to me by my wonderful 7th grade co-workers...check.
Only three days to go.


gamerjam321 said...

good luck mrs.wainscott!!! (by the way this is Eric from 2nd period)

casey hamilton said...

hey mrs.wainscott. hope you have fun on your trip to japan

(casey from fourth period)

shirelytemple25 said...

good luck Mrs. Wainscott. Hope you have fun in Japan!!!!!! Class isn't going to be fun without you.

(Carly from third period)

♥Megan♥ said...

Hey!!! Japan looks awesome!!! I hope you are having fun!!!