Friday, October 17, 2008

Tokyo Disney Sea

Sorry I missed yesterday...we had a late night.

After a wonderful day of lectures a group of us wer off to Tokyo Disney Sea. I was so cool. I believe the American equalivant would be Epcot. We did not ride many rides we walked around and tried to soak everythign in.

To get to Disney, I had my first experience on the Tokyo subway/train system and I must say it was very interesting. If you have seen pictures of the Tokyo subway and how crowded it is, is exactly like that. One of the tour guides told us that on the morning commute people are so crammed into the cars that you can fall asleep standing up and not fall over.

I also experienced the amazing Japanese garden our hotel has to offer. WOW, is all I can say. It is breathtaking.

I have pictures and I will get them up but my camera battery is dead.

1 comment:

~Kearsten Connelly~ said...

Oh my goodness! It is huge there in Japan! I've always wondered what they eat in Japan.
All of us back here in lonely Kentucky miss you and hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!
-Kearsten Connelly